Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Deyyy ... I'm now Datuk Shah Rukh Khan

From NST Online .. 10.10.08

Bollywood Idol Shah Rukh Khan is a Datuk. The heartthrob will be receiving his Datukship from the Malacca YD Negeri in conjuction with his birthday tomorrow. Listed as an artiste from Dreamz Unlimited in the list of recipients Shah Rukh will be receiving the Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM). He is 77 recepients of the title. Shah Rukh, 43 is a highly acclaimed Indian actor who works in Bollywood films, as well as film producer and television host. He has starred in several box-office movies and won awards throughout his career.

Komen saya ...

Apakah tidak ada lagi rakyat Malaysia yang layak diberi gelaran Datuk sehingga ia terpaksa diberi kepada Shah Rukh Khan. Antara sebab mengapa beliau mendapat gelaran tersebut adalah kerana beliau telah mempromosikan negeri Melaka melalui filem-filem beliau.

"there are six movies in which the various songs and scenes depicted several sites in Malacca. "One is a scene from the movie One 2 Ka 4, which was shot at the A' Famosa Resort in Alor Gajah."This has, indirectly, promoted the state and its attractions to the world,

It would have cost millions to promote Malacca through advertisements but instead, Shahrukh has brought Malcca to the attention of the world through his movies"

... NST Online 12.10.08

Persoalannya apakah apabila menonton filem tersebut, seseorang tahu yang itu negeri Melaka, iaitu salah sebuah negeri dalam Malaysia. Promosi didalamnya begitu hebat sehingga penonton tersebut tidak sabar atau mengigau seharian untuk melawat Negeri Melaka.

Jika itulah dijadikan sebab utama maka "Jackie Chan" juga layak kerana beliau juga telah mempromosikan Malaysia melalui filem "Police Story 3"

Walaubagaimanapun tahniah Shah Rukh Khan yang telah bertaraf Datuk

(... atau tahniah Datuk kerana anda sekarang hanya bertaraf Shah Rukh Khan .... )


Friday, October 10, 2008

Selamat Berperiksa...

Selamat menjalani peperiksaan PMR, SPM, STPM kepada semua pelajar. Moga berjaya dengan cemerlang.
Bila dah lulus cemerlang boleh masuk universiti...
Bila lulus universiti boleh kerja dengan government...
Bila kerja government boleh jadi Pegawai Rendah...
Bila dah lama kerja Pegawai Rendah jadi Pegawai Tinggi ...
Bila dah lama jadi Pegawai Tinggi kalau ada rezeki boleh jadi Pengarah...
Bila kerja rajin lagi, Pengarah akan naik KSU...
Bila dah KSU, rasa tak puas lagi nak jadi menteri bertandinglah dalam pilihanraya.....
Bila dah menang pilihanraya, bolehlah jadi Timbalan Menteri ...
Bila dah experience, baru PM lantik jadi Menteri... Mungkin Menteri Pendidikan..
Bila dah jadi Menteri Pendidikan ... masa tu nanti janganlah menyusahkan budak-budak nak ambil PMR, SPM, STP, Mak Bapak dan Cikgu2x & Gurubesar ...... dengan Polisi yang cacamarba ....

Al-Hajj 1427

This picture was taken, during my hajj 1427 Hijrah. It was taken a week before wukuf. All the hotels (left), have been demolished for new developments. Some of the hotels that I can still remember were Grand Makkah, Firdous Makka, Firdous Umrah, and Al-Shamiya.

Insyallah will be posting more pictures soon.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jo ... hang tengok ler

Jo .. aku baru cuba2x jadi blogger sekarang. Ntah napa ntah. Aku dah lama create tapi hari ni baru mula nak taip. Be the first to comment.

My 1st Post

Hello ..

I've created this blog long time ago .. err about six months,, but this is my first post. Hope I'll continue blogging. Can't wait to publish and see how it looks like.